Saturday, May 9, 2009

In the calm of the storm

Take Shelter!!!!!!!! As the storms hit on Friday in Harrisburg it gave a new meaning to wind. They have clocked the winds in the surrounding areas at 106mph, needless to say Harrisburg has made out on the whole storm as we are the only town that has power this weekend, the hotels are full, and the restaurants are packed (that is a act of God, except during deer season)! I was working at the bank Friday and they were preparing us to take shelter in the vault, I knew that it was probably the safest place in town at that point but my kids, my husband??? I was starting to get worried! As the first storm went through I just sat and prayed for couraged as I am trying to count back money all at the same time (I couldn't believe the people out in the storm doing banking???? CRAZY, I am like do you FEEL your car rocking back and forth????) and this verse that I had just taught on Tuesday and Wednesday came to mind, Mark 4: 41, " Why are you afraid, do you still have no faith?" I thought about the disciples on their boat in the middle of the lake with that huge storm waking, they are waking Jesus up because they are scared to death of the winds, well that is how I felt Friday. The verse became the living word as it spoke peace to me during the storm, as the winds blew through town and the cell phones went dead, the lights blinking and cars rocking I held on tight to that verse, praying that God would get us all through this storm safely. That night as I went to bed I thanked God for all my children being home safe and sound, and a bed to sleep in that night with electricity pumping through our house.

The day was full of excitement and I knew that God showed up not only in the wind and rain but in the calm of the storm.

I would love to hear from you:

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