Sunday, November 30, 2008


Psalms 63: 6-8

On my bed I remember you; I think of you through the watches of the night. Because you are my help, I sing in the shadow of your wings. My soul clings to you; your right hand upholds me.

I was having a conversation with Sterling my oldest son the other day. We were discussing his future concerning college and I asked him, "What is the most imporantant priority for you concering your future?" His answer was "security". He wants to know he can get a good job, provide for his future family and not worry about tomorrow. As I sat there I knew that alot of this was coming from all that we had went through financially when he was younger. He had watched his dad and I loose everything and during this time his life was also drastically changed. Even though this event in our lives made us all stronger and better, he knew that it was not something that he wanted to go through ever again. His goal was to make sure that he went to a good school to get a good degree so his life would be secure. The only thing is, there is NO SECURITY IN THIS WORLD, outside of JESUS. So we talked about this and what it meant concerning our faith, our walk with the Lord and how we pray.

We all have this desire in our hearts, to be safe, stable and secure the desire is not a sin but where we go to fill that desire is the test. Will we go to Jesus? Do we understand that it is in the unseen God that we will find our ultimate security. As the storms come, we see that we really have no control. Even as people run from the storms of Katrina and Ike they find that there are tornados and floods in other places. We must stop running from the fear and take it to the alter at the feet of the Lord. This message is one for my heart to the heart of my son. Sterling find your security in Jesus and his peace will guide your days. Love you all Lisa

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