Thursday, December 4, 2008

The HOW of the Great Commission

This past Sunday we were challenged by our pastor as a church to pray for the next 10 days about HOW God wanted us to live out Acts 1: 8, But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnessess in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria and to the ends of the earth. I have been really challenged by this thought not only the HOW but how do we as a society define this HOW? How have I trained my children to understand this commission? So I talked with the youth about this thought last night.

My thought is: Do we define the HOW today in society by just going to church on Sunday? Have we raised our children to believe that this is the great commission? Go to church, say your prayers and know John 3: 16.
I mean think about it, do we claim it as a HOW? Because we can then go to work or school and say "I went to church on Sunday" somehow believing that this is a life fulfilling statement that is suppose to change their lives and leaves us filling empty after a few weeks.

We discussed what is going to church? How has this misconception birthed itself into our lives? Is going to church a HOW for them or is it a time to worship, grow and become discipled so we can then go out and do the HOW?

HOW is God asking you and equipping you to go out into your community, neighborhood, work place and school?

The challenge is so exciting because in Matthew 28:18, we are told that our Jesus has all authority. So no person, place or thing is out of his realm of HOW!! Now that is living! I want to hear from you, and I want to hear from my kids on Wednesday, HOW is God equipping you and calling you to live out his complete authority in this world. Like I told my awesome youth on Wednesday, Joshua 10:13 tells us the sun stood still for a day by the hand of God through the prayer of man, I can't imagine what he wants to do to enable us to win the battle that we are called to fight. HE IS AWESOME! I LOVE HIM AND YOU ALL SO! How for know Lisa

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