Friday, May 1, 2009

Praying constantly

This blog is in response to Leigh Gray's blog yesterday, as I read her blog I was definately relating, (I am glad to know I am normal or maybe Leigh we are both abnormal???) As I have been moving through the motions of life God has been speaking at the most interesting times, during my drives, washing the dishes etc. I have that conviction within me that the majority of my thoughts are not centered around our Jesus, I mean who has time????? I think of the verse in 1 Thessalonians 5: 16-19 that tells us to pray constantly, I have trouble getting in my morning quiet time and once that is done it is off to the races and every so often I stop for a moment and think I love you Jesus. Oh how I want to strive to have my thoughts centered on him constantly I mean God is instructing us in this because he knows that it is for the best life. But as for me what I eat, who I talk to, etc fill my thoughts throughout the day. Yes Leigh, I join you on that journey of going deeper with our Lord and striving to fill my days and nights with thoughts of Him and then everything else will be at peace within my heart, mind and soul.

I would love to hear from you:

1 comment:

Speaking Thru Me Ministries said...

Oh Lisa - if others had not commented on my blog then I would know it is just you and me that are abnormal - but we have a few others friends as well. ha ha!! From the first time I heard your heart I have loved loved loved you!!! I miss you but am thankful He is journeying with you in all!!! You are such an inspiration!! Love you - Leigh