Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quit complaining and just give Him praise!

Recently God has allowed me some insight into my heart, in the economy of times things have gotten a bit tight, you know life happens and you wonder where all the vacation money has gone and suddenly you are grateful to be able to pay for the groceries. We hear again and again that no matter how much money we have we are a rich people, we are a rich nation yet I don't know if we really believe that?! As I paid the bills last month I just thanked the Lord that we had the money once again to pay them, I rarely do this I am usually wondering where all our money has gone, but in that moment I knew that this was obedience to praise him. The other day I was talking with a coworker and she tells me that she is once again facing chemo for Lupus and has 3 year old twins, (after praying for her) I just stood there forgetting about my small aches and pains and just said thank you God for my health, knowing that these words were obedience to him.

Why as Christians or maybe I am the only one, do complaints or negative thoughts come before praise and thankfulness???? As I have been focused this month on praise and thankfulness I have begun to understand that complaining and fussing is just sin, it does not reflect God's love to those around me or those watching me. I am striving to take in every moment not to take one word, one thought, one gesture for granted but to understand that my life and my heart of gratitude for my Jesus is my testimony to who he is in this world. I love him so!

Colossians 3: 17 And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.

I would love to hear from you:

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