Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I have just started a Worldview Religion class and we are studying the different religions, what they believe, how they were founded and why they disagree with Christianity. This subject has been so interesting. Every week it pushes you to understand why you believe what you believe and how to reach out to other religions. One of the realizations that I have had is that everyone
is looking for the same thing; we want guidance, fulfillment, and answers to eternity. As I sit through class and read the books I am so grateful that I have a God that loves me and that Jesus has paid the price for my sins. Most other religions have this good deed vs bad deed thing going with no security of what the scale says until it is all said and done. Then there is the thought that this is all there is, how lonely, how sad. In studying Marxism, it is said "God was simply the creation of people, who projected their own qualities onto an imaginary deity in whom they could find security. He shared the notion that only when people give up their belief in God will they be truly free" (The Compact Guide to World Religions, Halverson pg 152) How the enemy has blinded the eyes of those that are searching for what we have found. I know that my freedom began the day I gave my life to Jesus, he set me free from my fears, my anxiety, my pride, my insecurities and set my heart on what is to come to help me have the strength for today. My prayer is that my life and your life as believers will reveal the one true God, one that loves, hears, sees and forgives our sins to fulfill that which every human searches for, answers to how to live this life.

John 3:16
For God so loved the world that he gave his only son. That whosoever believes in him will not perish but will have everlasting life.

I would love to hear from you:

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