Thursday, February 12, 2009

Little Things

I was talking with my youth kids on Wednesday night about little things. Sometimes we get so overwhelmed by the big responsibilites and expectations that we forget how God effectly uses the little things we do for people to change their lives. I asked them what had someone done for them that was a small thing but to them really made a difference. Many remembered a special phone call, a hand written letter and a freshman said, it is when a senior walks by him and is nice (interpreted I don't get pushed into a locker).
We talked about how Jesus' simple conversations changed peoples lives. Our challenge was to notice the little things that others do for us and to strive to take time to do the little things for others. When we think of others we need to take the time to write a note, or make a phone call, we need to show others they are special not by planning a big event but by simply saying you are important with our actions. I do believe God loves showing us his hugeness by the big things in life but the little things is how he shows his gentleness, intimacy and humility.

For me it is when I have one item at the grocery store and a lady lets me cut in line so I can get thru!!!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU LORD!

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